News Media Room

Savanna Pikuyak Scholarship

Last updated Thursday, November 9, 2023
Savanna Pikuyak Scholarship

The Department of Health is now accepting applications for the Savanna Pikuyak Scholarship for Nunavut Inuit enrolled in the Pre-Health program at Nunavut Arctic College (NAC).

Savanna Pikuyak was a strong, kind-hearted, young Inuk woman, who was accepted into the Pre-Health Program at Algonquin College in the 2022-2023 school year. Savanna worked for three summers as a summer student at the Health Centre in Sanirajak before taking the leap and advancing her studies in the nursing program.

In honour of Savanna, this scholarship aims to recognize students in NAC’s Pre-Health program. The Department of Health awards one $5,000 annual scholarship to a student who compellingly articulates their motivation for pursuing a career in nursing.

For details on how to apply, including application procedures, process and guidelines, please contact Jo-Anne Idlout at @email.

The deadline is November. 30, 2023, at 5 p.m. EDT.

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