Families, Parenting, Elders and Youth

Family Engagement

Family engagement encourages an environment of collaboration and support between everyone who is invested in a child’s success.

Parents, teachers, schools, family members, and the community all play a role in a child’s education. Positive and caring relationships between these important people will help a child feel supported, foster an environment of learning, and provide a sense of security.

Students who are supported by a community are better prepared to be successful in achieving their academic and personal goals.

The Department of Education is working with Nunavut Teachers' Association and Coalition of Nunavut District Education Authorities to develop tools and resources to support family engagement in all Nunavut communities.

It Starts at Home: A family engagement resource for Nunavut schools It Starts at Home was created by the Department of Education in collaboration with the Nunavut Teachers' Association. The purpose of this guide is to provide schools and families with information and strategies to help increase family engagement in schools throughout Nunavut. The research-based information and strategies in this guide can help schools and families support students to realize their full academic potential.

Information sheets for families

What is family engagement?

The role of families in students’ academic learning

How parents can get involved

About report cards

Tips for parents about reading report cards

About parent-teacher meetings

The purpose of homework

Children and television

About Internet safety





Responsible department: Education
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