Families, Parenting, Elders and Youth

Daycare User Subsidy

The Daycare Subsidy is available to provide financial support to low-income families who reside in Nunavut to help make child care more affordable while they pursue education or training opportunities outside the home.

Who Can Participate?

Applicants must reside in Nunavut and be 18 years of age or older with a child(ren) under the age of 12. Those applying for the subsidy must be employed or enrolled in a training and/or education program.

How to Apply:

Your community Income Assistance Worker can provide you with a Daycare Subsidy application form.

Forms are also available at local licensed childcare facilities. The following information is required to determine program eligibility:

  • The name and age of each child requiring a subsidy.
  • The number of hours child care is required per week.
  • Proof of day care expenses (signed by the day care provider).
  • Proof of employment.
  • Proof of school or training course enrollment (signed by the program instructor).
  • Proof of family income (i.e. pay stub/ employer's statement).
  • Proof of living expenses (i.e. rent/mortgage, utility costs).

This subsidy is available to cover unlicensed child care options that pass the standard assessment.

For more information, call your Income Assistance Regional Office:

Qikiqtani : 1-800-567-1514 (867) 473-2615

Kivalliq: 1-800-953-8516 (867) 645-5040, extension 1604

Kitikmeot: 1-800-661-0845 (867) 983-4032

For help applying for social assistance contact your community Income Assistance Worker.

Responsible department: Family Services
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