
Driver's Licence Renewals

Nunavut driver's licences are issued for a five-year period.

Driver's licences can be renewed within 90 days of the expiry date. Early renewals may be approved in extenuating circumstances by contacting your local Motor Vehicle office. A Nunavut driver's licence will not be renewed and will require a driver examination if it has been expired for longer than 12 months.

Applying for a Driver's Licence Renewal

Nunavut drivers have the option of renewing their driver's licence online or in-person at any Motor Vehicle office.

In-Person Applications

You must apply in-person if your driver's licence is cancelled, suspended, or expired for more than 12 months.

Completed forms can be submitted to your local Motor Vehicle office for processing.

Online Applications

You can renew your driver's licence online if your licence isn't cancelled, suspended, or expired for more than 12 months.

Application for Driver's Licence Renewal (Class 1-7)


Phone: 1-888-975-5999
Email: @email

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