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Premier Taptuna assigns cabinet portfolios

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release 

Premier Taptuna assigns cabinet portfolios 

IQALUIT, Nunavut (November 12, 2015) – Following the addition of two new members to the executive council, Premier Taptuna today announced changes to cabinet portfolios, which are effective November 12, 2015. 

“We are entering a new chapter of this government, and there is still more work required to ensure we achieve what we set out to do in Sivumut Abluqta,” said Premier Taptuna. “I have considered the assets brought by each member of the executive council and I have diversified the portfolio assignments to reflect that leadership.” 

Portfolio assignments are as follows: 

Honourable Peter Taptuna 
Minister of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs 
Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs 
Minister responsible for Seniors’ Advocate 

Honourable Monica Ell-Kanayuk 
Deputy Premier 
Minister of Economic Development and Transportation 
Minister responsible for Mines 
Minister responsible for the Nunavut Business Credit Corporation 
Minister responsible for the Nunavut Development Corporation 
Minister of Energy 
Minister responsible for the Status of Women 

Honourable George Kuksuk 
Minister of Culture and Heritage 
Minister of Languages 
Minister of Family Services 
Minister responsible for Poverty Reduction 
Minister responsible for Homelessness 

Honourable Johnny Mike 
Minister of Environment 
Minister responsible for the Utility Rates Review Council 

Honourable Paul Okalik 
Minister of Justice 
Minister responsible for the Human Rights Tribunal 
Minister responsible for the Labour Standards Board 
Minister of Health 
Minister responsible for Suicide Prevention 
Minister responsible for Immigration 

Honourable Keith Peterson 
Minister of Finance and Chairman of the Financial Management Board 
Minister responsible for the Nunavut Liquor Commission 
Minister responsible for the Liquor Licensing Board 
Minister responsible for Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission 

Honourable Paul Quassa 
Minister of Education 
Minister responsible for Nunavut Arctic College 
Government House Leader 

Honourable George Hickes 
Minister responsible for Qulliq Energy Corporation 
Minister responsible for the Nunavut Housing Corporation 

Honourable Joe Savikataaq 
Minister of Community and Government Services 
Nunavut Chair, Hudson Bay Roundtable 


Media Contact: 

Yasmina Pepa 
Chief, Public Affairs 
Office of Premier Taptuna 
Government of Nunavut 
[email protected]

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