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Nunavut celebrates Respiratory Therapy Week

Last updated Monday, October 26, 2020

Public Service Announcement

Nunavut celebrates Respiratory Therapy Week

Respiratory Therapy Week is celebrated annually during the last week of October. From October 25-31, 2020, the Government of Nunavut is joining the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists in recognizing the important role of registered respiratory therapists in the territory.

Respiratory therapists (RTs) are highly trained healthcare professionals who help assess, manage, and treat illnesses that affect the lungs. They are vital to the care of patients who have difficulty breathing.

RTs are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and aid in performing life-sustaining oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation for critically ill patients. These health care professionals also provide breathing support in intensive care units (ICUs), emergency rooms and operating rooms. In the community and patients’ homes, RTs apply their expertise to educate and support patients who suffer from asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiolitis and other chronic respiratory-related diseases.

We encourage Nunavummiut to recognize the contribution RTs make across our health care system.


Media Contact:

Danarae Sommerville
Communications Specialist
Department of Health

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