Department of Environment

Environmental Assessment and Land Use Planning

This section is responsible for supporting the Department of Environment and the GN in the delivery of obligations under the Nunavut Agreement for environmental assessment, land use planning and general monitoring.

This section is the first point of contact for Nunavut’s land and resource management boards to access the GNs expertise on air, land, water and wildlife and work to identify and mitigate potential impacts from development. The section works with the Department of Economic Development and Transportation to coordinate the GNs participation in the screening, environmental impact assessment, and on-going monitoring of resource development projects in Nunavut. It coordinates GN responses to the Nunavut Planning Commission in the development, review, and approval of land use plans and planning policies that guide resource development in the territory and supports the fulfillment of Nunavut Agreement Article 12.7.6 obligations for general monitoring. In the delivery of these functions, the section works closely with the interdepartmental Environmental Assessment Review Team and Sustainable Development Advisory Group.

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