Avatiliqiyitkut Uumayuniklu

Pinahuarutikhat paanariirutikhanullu


Avatiliriniqmut Ilihainiq unalu Inuknut Ilauqatigiikniq


Group picture of people in snow at land camp

Land-Based Camps

DOE has partnered with the Department of Education and a number of local and regionally-based Inuit organizations to develop and update land-based camp curriculum. Camps have focused on fostering "Two-Eyed Seeing", whereby science and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit are brought together through hands-on learning in the environment. Where possible, DOE staff including conservation officers, biologists, climate change specialists, fisheries and sealing division representatives, and parks staff are involved in the development and delivery of local land-based camp programs.

Two teachers at a teachers conference

Teacher/Educator Environmental Education Training

Conservation officers, biologists, and other DOE personnel across the territory receive training and specialized resources to assist in school presentations and classroom visits. Content can be customized to meet specific grade-level curriculum requirements. DOE staff and environmental education specialists are able to provide hands-on classroom workshops in a variety of topic areas, including:

Climate Change in Nunavut
Wildlife of Nunavut (including animal adaptations, Arctic ecology, etc.)
Environmental Research Techniques
Sealing in Nunavut
Mapping and Way Finding using GPS technology

For more information, contact your local conservation officer, or the Environmental Education office.

Community cleanup drive picture

Community Clean-ups

DOE personnel are involved with community-based cleanup projects, which typically occur during environment week in June each year.

DOE houses a number and diversity of teaching resources at its headquarters in Iqaluit and at its local conservation offices. Some resources are downloadable below. DOE is currently working on many new and innovative teaching resources. Check back frequently for updates!

Students on ice - two students with jackets, caps and cameras


Partnership with Students on Ice

Students on Ice is an award-winning organization offering unique educational expeditions to the Antarctic and the Arctic. Their mandate is to provide students, educators and scientists from Nunavut and around the world with inspiring educational opportunities at the ends of the Earth and, in doing so, help them foster a new understanding and respect for the planet.

DOE has provided funding for students throughout Nunavut to participate in SOI Arctic expeditions since 2008. 

For more information about Students on Ice, visit http://www.studentsonice.com/

Follow the 2014 students trip, read more student testimonials, and learn about the educational goals and outcomes achieved by these students. Maybe you could be a future explorer! Read their report - Students On Ice, Arctic Youth Expedition 2014

Actua logo

Partnership with Actua

Actua is a national charitable organization dedicated to providing young Canadians with positive, hands-on learning experiences in science, technology, and engineering. DOE has partnered with Actua for the delivery of customized environment and climate change themed school workshop and summer camp programs in Nunavut communities. For more information on Actua, visit their website: www.actua.ca.

Una makpirvia ikajuutauva?

Quana uqaqvigijatin Nunavut Kavamanga 

Tujuqtailutin qajarnaktunik inmiluunniit naunaijautinik, taapkuningalu (kiqliqanggittut): social insurat nampainnik, anniviit, naunaijautaitlu aadla inuit, aanniaqtailirnirmunluunniit naunaijautinik.  Tujuinnaklugu naittumik naunaijautimik ihumagijarniq ihumaaluutigijarniqluunniit qanuqlu uqaqvigittaaqtarniq. Naunaittiarniaqtaqqut ihuatqiaq inungmik uqaqvigijarnik naunaittiariami naunaijautinik kiuttaagumiklu apikkuutirnut ihumagijarnikluunniit.