Qilaut 2019

2019 Qilaut

Qilaut is Nunavut’s annual Inuktut songwriting contest, and was created to celebrate Nunavut’s vibrant Inuktut music scene, and promote the use of Inuktut in daily life. This year’s theme is “Family and Friends/ (Ilannariit Piqannarillu).” 

Every year, the Department of Culture and Heritage holds the Qilaut Inuktut songwriting contest, celebrating Nunavut’s vibrant Inuktut music scene while promoting the use of Inuktut in all areas of daily life.

The 2019 Qilaut edition received 26 submissions from across the territory. Songs were judged by a peer-panel on originality, creativity, melody and lyrics. The judges included Millie Hikok, Celina Kalluk, Norman Ishulutak and Sam Tutanuak. 

NEW! 2019 Qilaut Inuktut Songwriting Winners:

  1. Quvianarmat – Jo Ellen Etuangat
  2. 6-muaqpat – Becky Han and Tracy May
  3. Pittiaruk Uummatiit – Brenda Anderson
  4. Piqatiga – Joey Nowyuk
  5. Piqannarijaq – Becky Han and Tracy May
  6. Ilakka – Joey Nowyuk
  7. Piruqpallialluni – Daniel Taukie
  8. Quviasukpunga – Angela Amarualik & Caylan Kunuk
  9. Naujaat – Alpha5 (Dave Kaunak, Craig Nanordluk, Troy Alakkanuaq, Albert Amautinuar, Joshua Nanorak)
  10. Inuusiq – Alpha5 (Dave Kaunak, Craig Nanordluk, Troy Alakkanuaq, Albert Amautinuar, Joshua Nanorak)

The top three winners receive $5,000, $2,500, and $1,500, respectively, and the seven runners-up receive $500 each. All 10 songs will be professionally recorded, and the CD will be released in February during the Uqausirmut Quviasuutiqarniq celebrations.

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest and congratulations to all of the winners!

Qilaut 2019 Contest Rules

Qilaut Contest Rules Qilaut Entry Form Consent Qilaut Short Form Rules How to record your song in 5 steps


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