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Unikkaarvik Visitor’s Centre Programming - October

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Unikkaarvik Visitor’s Centre Programming - October

In October, the Unikkaarvik Visitor’s Centre presents movies based on northern stories and history. Join us at building 220 in Iqaluit on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free, and popcorn and drinks are provided.

October 18 – The Legend of Sarila is an animated feature film for the whole family, featuring the voices of Natar Ungalaaq, Elisapie Isaac and Christopher Plummer. This tale tells the story of a shaman and a young hero.

October 25 – The Journals of Knud Rasmussen is the second movie in the Isuma trilogy chronicling Knud Rasmussen and Peter Freuchen’s visit to Igloolik in the 1920s when they met a shaman at a time when the community was converting to Christianity. Igloolik’s Zacharias Kunuk co-directed the film and Igloolik Isuma Productions Incorporated produced it. The Nunavut Film Development Corporation contributed $200,000 towards the film.

For more information on the centre’s programming, please call 979-4636.


Media Contact:

Matthew Illaszewicz
Manager, Communications
Economic Development and Transportation

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