News Media Room

RCMP confirms Nunavut schools are safe

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

RCMP confirms Nunavut schools are safe

Nunavut RCMP has completed a comprehensive threat-assessment and is confident that all Nunavut schools are safe, after they were closed this morning due to a wide-spread bomb threat.

Schools followed emergency evacuation plans and no incidents were reported.

Now that the RCMP has confirmed that schools are safe, school principals and local DEAs will decide when to reopen their schools. The Department of Education will report on school openings as they are reported to us.

The Government of Nunavut would like to thank the RCMP, first responders and Nunavummiut for their cooperation and support in resolving this incident.


Media Contact:

Wende Halonen
Communications Manager
Department of Education

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