News Media Room

Public safety in Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Public safety in Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park

If you plan to drive at Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park, please be aware that temporary speed reduction devices (speed bumps) will be installed on the Park roadways starting on July 18, 2018. This is to help ensure public safety.

The roadways will remain open, but motorists should expect delays while staff are working to install them. Pedestrian traffic will not be affected, and park users should obey the posted road signage at all times.

Speed bumps will remain in place until late October 2018. For more information please contact Dion Fitzpatrick at (867) 975-2350 or at @email.


Media Contact:

Jonathan Pynn
Senior Policy Analyst
Department of Environment

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