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Public meeting about liquor plebiscite in Kugluktuk

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Public meeting about liquor plebiscite in Kugluktuk

The Minister of Finance will hold a plebiscite in Kugluktuk asking community members to vote on a potential change to their liquor system. The plebiscite will be held on May 16, 2022, with advanced voting on May 9, 2022.

The Minister received a petition from residents of Kugluktuk requesting a plebiscite to change their current liquor system from unrestricted to a restricted quantities system. This means that if residents of Kugluktuk vote in favour of this change, the amount of liquor a resident can purchase or import into the community will be limited.

The proposed limits are 1.775 litres of spirits (1 x 60-ounce bottle) and one of either 17.04 litres of beer (48 x 355ml cans) or 3.75 litres of wine (5 x 750 millitre bottles) every 14 days.

Under the Liquor Act, at least 60 per cent of voters need to vote “yes” to change the status of a community.

To help the residents of Kugluktuk understand Nunavut’s liquor laws and the proposed changes, the Department of Finance will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at the community hall from 6 to 9 p.m. All residents of Kugluktuk are invited to join the meeting to discuss the possible changes to the current community liquor system. Representatives from the Department of Finance, the Department of Health and Nunavut Elections will be present. Refreshments will be provided.

For more information about the upcoming public meeting, please email @email or call 867-222-9705.


Media Contact:

Weichien Chan
Manager, Communications
Department of Finance

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