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Public events for the 2017 Royal Tour to Canada of Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Public events for the 2017 Royal Tour to Canada of Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall Start Date: June 22, 2017

Help welcome Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall to Iqaluit on June 29! The public is invited to two events to celebrate with Their Royal Highnesses:

11:35 a.m. Official Welcome Ceremony to Canada at the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut, where Their Royal Highnesses are officially welcomed to Canada and Nunavut.

1:55 p.m. Premier Peter Taptuna’s Community Feast at Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park, where The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall join a community celebration, enjoy local artists and performances, and explore Nunavut’s unique landscape, terrain and flora.

Please note: no vehicles can enter the Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park area for Premier Taptuna’s Community Feast. A detailed bus schedule for the public to participate will be released in the upcoming days. Please check the Government of Nunavut Facebook page for updates, including suggested times you should arrive to events.

For the full schedule of the Iqaluit portion of the 2017 Royal Tour to Canada of Their Royal Highnesses, please visit


Media Contact:

Lauren Solski
Communications Officer
Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs

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