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Premier offers condolences on passing of Nelson Mandela

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Premier offers condolences on passing of Nelson Mandela

December 6, 2013

Iqaluit, NU

Premier Peter Taptuna released the following statement:

"On behalf of Nunavummiut, I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to the family, friends and country of Nelson Mandela.

It is with a sad heart that the world mourns the passing of such a strong believer and supporter of the rights of indigenous people. Nelson Mandela was admired by Inuit and will live on as an inspiration to all who struggle for their rights.

He was a man who showed strength. He showed the world that one man can make a difference. He made enormous personal sacrifices for the betterment of his people from which the world gained strength.

The world is a lesser place today with the passing of Nelson Mandela; his inspiration will continue to strengthen the world for many years to come."


Media Contact:

Teresa Hughes Executive Assistant Office of the Premier 867-975-5052 @email

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