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Premier congratulates Nunavut’s Deputy Commissioner on second term

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

For Immediate Release

Premier congratulates Nunavut’s Deputy Commissioner on second term

IQALUIT, NUNAVUT (September 5, 2013) – Premier Eva Aariak congratulates Nellie Kusugak of Rankin Inlet on her second term as Deputy Commissioner of Nunavut. Kusugak was sworn-in today as Nunavut’s Deputy Commissioner.

"I am pleased the Commissioner of Nunavut will continue to be supported in her duties by a Deputy position in the Kivalliq region," said Premier Aariak. "I want to congratulate and wish her good luck during the next three years."

Nellie Kusugak has been a teacher for almost 20 years and has a wide background in both cultural and traditional education. As a 1996 graduate with the Nunavut Teacher Education Program, she received the Highest Academic Achievement. Among her many accomplishments, she has received a certificate in Native and Northern Education from McGill University; held a number of memberships in professional associations; and, stayed actively involved in community activities and volunteer work in her hometown of Rankin Inlet. The Deputy Commissioner holds the position for a three-year term.


Media Contact:

Emily Woods

Press Secretary

Office of the Premier

(867) 975-5059


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