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Nutrition Month – Let’s celebrate healthy foods

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Nutrition Month – Let’s celebrate healthy foods

March is Nutrition Month! Across Canada, communities are planning activities to celebrate the benefits of healthy eating.

Parents can affect a child’s eating habit positively by being role models. Parents should include children when preparing healthy foods. Nunavummiut do this through the Inuit Societal Value of Pilimmaksarniq/Pijariuqharniq; building skills through observation, mentoring, practice and effort.
Nunavummiut are reminded that:

  • Home-cooked food can be healthier and cost less than buying ready-made meals.
  • Adding country food, like seal, to meals makes them healthier for the whole family.
  • Eating together with family or friends is healthy for everyone.

To learn more about cooking with healthy foods, visit:


Media Contact:

Sara Arsenault
Communications Specialist
Department of Health

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