News Media Room

Nunavut Teachers’ Association Collective Agreement Signed

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

For Immediate Release

Nunavut Teachers’ Association Collective Agreement Signed

IQALUIT, Nunavut (May 29, 2014) – The Government of Nunavut and the Nunavut Teachers’ Association today signed a new collective agreement.

"A lot of work and co-operation between both parties has gone into finalizing the agreement and we are satisfied with the outcome," said Keith Peterson, Minister of Finance.

"Our teachers are the first point of contact to ensuring our students receive quality education and the government values their contribution to enhancing our education system," said Paul Quassa, Minister of Education.

"I am very pleased to have reached a deal that is fair to both parties," said NTA President Terry Young. "This will allow an opportunity to move forward with other issues that are important to teachers and students in Nunavut."

Highlights of the new agreement include:

• Wage increases of 3 per cent, 2 per cent, 1 per cent and 1 per cent, as of July 1 in each year of the contract, beginning in 2013;

• Continued shared support of the safe schools anti-violence committee; and

• An increase in the allowable accumulation of special leave days, from 25 to 30 days.


News Release

Media Contact:

Elyse Kay

Manager, Communications

Department of Finance




Terry Young

President, Nunavut Teachers’ Association




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