News Media Room

Nunavut celebrates Embrace Life Day

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Nunavut celebrates Embrace Life Day

Start Date: September 7, 2016

End Date: September 10, 2016

Nunavut-wide 45 sec

September 10 is Embrace Life Day; a time for Nunavummiut to connect with one another and practice positive coping skills and self-care for improved mental wellness.

We often face challenging times and emotions. Practicing positive coping skills builds our strength and resilience, and helps us through these challenges.

Practice self-care and increase your coping skills by:

  • walking out on the land
  • fishing or hunting
  • bathing or napping
  • crafting, such as sewing or knitting
  • creating art, such as drawing or carving
  • talking to friends and family
  • cooking and eating healthy foods
  • watching a movie
  • reading
  • playing with your children
  • listening to music you enjoy

Remember you are not alone and that help is available. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, teacher, guidance counsellor, or an Elder, and talk about how you feel. Visit your local health centre to speak with a mental health worker.

Call the Kamatsiaqtut Help Line for anonymous 24 hours a day support at 867-979-3333 or toll free at 1-800-265-3333. Visit Isaksimagit Inuusirmi Kataujjiqatigiit, the Embrace Life Council’s website for more information and support, or call the toll free line at 1-866-804-2782.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the RCMP, or go to your local health centre or hospital immediately.


Media Contact:

Irma Arkus

Manager, Communications and Public Relations

Department of Health

(867) 975-5762


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