News Media Room

National Victims and Survivors of Crime Week

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

National Victims and Survivors of Crime Week

Start Date: May 27, 2016

End Date: June 4, 2016

Nunavut-wide 45 sec

May 29 to June 4 is National Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, formerly known as National Victims Awareness Week. This year’s theme is "The Power of Our Voices".

Nunavut’s Department of Justice wants victims and survivors of crime to know that they are not alone. Victim services staff is available throughout the territory to help. Services include: access to information and training, direct support, and financial support through the Victims Travel Support Program and the Victims Assistance Fund.

Information packages about the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights, the court process, as well as a list of services available in each region, have been sent to all communities. For more information, please contact victim services at 1-866-456-5216 or email @email.


Media Contact:

Alejandra Espinosa

Policy and Communications Analyst

Department of Justice



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