News Media Room

Minister of Health extends condolences to the Aulaqiaq family

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Minister of Health extends condolences to the Aulaqiaq family

John Main, Minister of Health, released the following statement:

“I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of Markosie Aulaqiaq on September 22. Mr. Aulaqiaq had been in Iqaluit receiving medical care since September 5 before his planned return home to Qikiqtarjuaq on September 22.

While I am unable to go into the specifics of Mr. Aulaqiaq’s medical history, I can say that the Department of Health is investigating the events leading to his death.

If the investigation discovers any gaps in Mr. Aulaqiaq’s care that contributed to his death, I assure Nunavummiut that the Department of Health will take immediate steps to correct the issue.

I want to extend my sincerest condolences to Mr. Aulaqiaq’s family and community for their loss.”


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia    
Manager, Communications
Department of Health

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