News Media Room

Minister Ehaloak speaks out on RCMP incident in Kinngait

Last updated Thursday, November 18, 2021


Minister Ehaloak speaks out on RCMP incident in Kinngait

The Honourable Jeannie Ehaloak, Minister of Justice, today released the following statement:

“I have seen the video from Kinngait circulating on social media and am very concerned by the unnecessary force, the violence and the lack of respect I have seen. Nunavummiut should not fear this kind of treatment and disregard for safety and basic rights.

I met with the RCMP “V” Division Commanding Officer this afternoon to express my frustration and outrage at this situation. I have been informed by the Commanding Officer that she has ordered an independent external statutory investigation and an internal investigation into the actions of the member. I have notified the Civil Review Complaints Commission and will formally request a review once the external investigation is complete.

The past several months have been difficult for our territory and I want to assure you that I take this very seriously and I am taking decisive actions to address this situation. It is only through accountability that the RCMP will continue to build a strong and healthy relationship with Nunavummiut.”


Media Contact:

Jessica Young
Director Policy and Planning
Department of Justice

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