News Media Room

Iqaluit Centennial Library curb-side pickup

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Iqaluit Centennial Library curb-side pickup

The Iqaluit Centennial Library will begin a curb-side pickup program from February 1-11. Members of the library will be able to take out books and DVDs during select hours throughout the week. Library staff will be there to help with contactless pick-up.

To sign out items, please visit to browse the catalogue. Once items are chosen, call the library at 867-975-5595 and a staff member will help set up the order and arrange a time for the items to be picked up at the library.

Please have the library card and contact number ready when calling. When picking up, masks must be worn, and library card must be presented. A librarian will drop your items at a safe spot in the library parking lot.

If you require transportation to the library, staff will provide taxi vouchers.

The Iqaluit Centennial Library is happy to provide services to the community during these difficult times. For more information, please contact the Iqaluit Centennial Library at 867-975-5595.


Media Contact:

Alex Stubbing
Director of Heritage
Department of Culture and Heritage

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