News Media Room

Iqaluit Centennial Library Closure

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement
Iqaluit Centennial Library Closure

The Iqaluit Centennial Library will be closed until further notice due to staffing issues.

Items to be returned can be placed into the book drop located at the front of the building.

The Iqaluit Centennial Library’s free Wi-Fi is still accessible for patrons to use during the closure. The name of the network is ‘ICL_Patron’ and the password is ‘iclpatron’. This password is case sensitive and all characters are lowercase.

Some library programming will resume and will be announced separately.

The Department of Culture and Heritage along with the Iqaluit Centennial Library want to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Media Contact:

Seane d’Argencourt-Printup
Manager of Communications
Department of Culture and Heritage

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