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Inuit Language Awards 2022

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

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Inuit Uqausinginnik Taiguusiliuqtiit

Inuit Language Awards 2022

Acknowledging and recognizing Nunavut's real language leaders... You!

Do you know someone who is committed to keeping the Inuit language alive? Does this person take advantage of every opportunity to use their language?

Here is your chance to recognize this individual and their accomplishments.

If you know someone who has demonstrated a high level of dedication to protecting and promoting Inuktitut or Inuinnaqtun, they qualify to be nominated. The next step is for you to nominate them.

Winners will be announced during Inuktut language month, February 2022, and will receive their congratulatory award from the chairperson of Inuit Uqausinginnik Taiguusiliuqtiit.

Nominations close at 5:00 p.m. EST February 24, 2022.

For more information or for nomination forms, contact:

Toll free number: 1-855-232-1852
Phone: 867-975-5547
Fax: 867-975-5539
E-mail: @email


Media Contact:

Eileen Kilabuk
Executive Director
Inuit Uqausinginnik Taiguusiliuqtiit

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