News Media Room

Inuit Employment Statistics - December 2014

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

The GN is striving to serve the public by providing timely, accurate data about the public service.

The Nunavut Land Claim Agreement (NLCA) contains an Article whose objective is to increase Inuit participation in government employment in Nunavut to a representative level, as well as holding the GN accountable for making public their progress. Towards a Representative Public Service (TRPS) is how the GN reports the progress in pure statistics only, not underlying issues or barriers to employment.

This snapshot of employment statistics is reported quarterly in the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut. These statistics represent the Inuit employment level within the GN in several different categories; occupational, community, region, and department.

All numbers in this report are whole numbers, and count all positions as a full FTE (Full Time Employee), not, for example, a partial position, as there are jobs that range from 0.25 FTE to 1.0 FTE. This report only counts them as a whole. This statistical data can be used to predict future trends.

This report is prepared by the Department of Finance with participation from all departments and government agencies.

For more information, please visit the Department of Finance website at


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