News Media Room

Ilinniarvimmi Inuusilirijiit (II) Conference

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Ilinniarvimmi Inuusilirijiit (II) Conference

The Government of Nunavut Department of Education will be holding the third territorial Ilinniarvimmi Inuusilirijiit (II) Conference from November 13 to 16, 2018. The conference will focus on how to assist students with social-emotional regulation using two new made-in- Nunavut evidence based programs developed by the Department of Education and Ilinniarvimmi Inuusilirijiit advisory group.

The first program, Northern Zones, is a social-emotional learning program to be used with small groups of students in Kindergarten to Grade 8. The second program, Mind Masters, is a health promotion program that helps children develop emotional regulation through relaxation, positive thinking and mindfulness.

Nunavut’s 42 ilinniarvimmi inuusilirijiit provide vital guidance to students advocating for and supporting those who are struggling with emotions and behaviors, and helping them work through their many adversities.


Media Contact:

Sandi Chan
Communications Officer
Department of Education

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