News Media Room

Fuel prices to rise due to Carbon Tax increase

Last updated Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Public Service Announcement

Fuel prices to rise due to Carbon Tax increase

The Department of Community and Government Services would like to inform Nunavummiut that effective April 1, 2021, the rates for the Federal Carbon Tax will be increased on fuel products sold throughout Nunavut.

The relevant rate changes are as follows:

Federal Carbon Tax Rates (per litre)      
Fuel Type Current Increase Effective April 1, 2021
Gasoline $0.0663 $0.0221 $0.0884
Diesel $0.0805 $0.0268 $0.1073
Naphtha $0.0676 $0.0226 $0.0902

The Nunavut Carbon Rebate, a Government of Nunavut initiative, offsets the Federal Carbon Tax by 50 per cent and reduces the amount Nunavummiut pay for fuel. Aviation fuels and diesel for generating electricity are exempt from the Carbon Tax.

To review the revised list for 2021, please visit:…

To review the price listing for 2020, please visit:…


Media Contact:

Mustafa Eric
Communications Specialist
Community and Government Services
Government of Nunavut

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