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Feedback on proposed new geographic place names

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Feedback on proposed new geographic place names

The Department of Culture and Heritage is requesting feedback from the public on new and changed geographic place names.

The Inuit Heritage Trust has proposed a total of 624 new place names near Cape Dorset to the Government of Nunavut for official recognition. These names include 569 new Inuit language names and 55 changes to existing names. The proposed names are listed at:

For more information about the Nunavut Toponymy Program or the public consultation process, or to provide feedback, please contact Sylvia Qulitalik, territorial toponymist, at 867-934-2042 or @email. If you are writing, please include your name, address and telephone number. The deadline to provide feedback is December 21, 2016.


Media Contact:

Elizabeth A Roberts
Communications Officer
Department of Culture and Heritage

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