News Media Room

FANS Students Enrollment Process

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

FANS Students Enrollment Process

The Department of Education would like to remind students who receive Financial Assistance for Nunavut Students (FANS) that if you or your post-secondary institution have not yet submitted your Student Enrollment Form (SEF) to FANS, you must email it to @email as soon as possible so that your payment can be processed.

For Nunavut Arctic College (NAC) students only, you are to fill in Part A of the FANS SEF and send that AND the NAC Enrollment Verification letter to the FANS office. If you have not sent both of these documents to FANS, please do that as soon as possible so that your payments can be processed.

Please be aware that it can take up to 15 business days from the day you submit all required documentation to FANS until you see the funds in your bank account.

After 15 business days, if you have not received a deposit, contact FANS at @email with a copy of your bank statement from January 1 to the current date.

Information on the SEF process is available in the FANS Funded Student Handbook provided to students with their FANS approval package for 2021-22. It is also available on the FANS website at

During peak times for the FANS office, such as the start of a new semester, the service standard for responding to emails is three to five business days. Response times from the FANS office may be delayed due to active COVID-19 cases in Arviat.

Questions about the SEF and other FANS benefits can be sent to @email.


Media Contact:

Troy Rhoades
Senior Communications Adviser
Department of Education

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