News Media Room

FANS Student Enrollment Form Reminder

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement
FANS Student Enrollment Form Reminder

Are you a post-secondary student currently receiving Financial Assistance for Nunavut Students (FANS) funding and are enrolling in courses in the Winter semester?

If you have not already done so, please submit your FANS Student Enrollment Form (SEF) to the FANS office for processing. Over half of the current applications received are missing the SEF so please confirm that yours is submitted.

Completed SEFs should be sent to @email. If you have a loan, please submit your SEF as well as your signed loan agreement to @email

Nunavut Arctic College students who are funded by FANS are asked to fill out Part A of the Student Enrollment Form (SEF) and return the form to the Registrar’s office at your campus.

Please note that the deadline for enrollment is December 16, 2022.

For more information, visit or email the FANS office at @email.


Media Contact:

Alexandria Webb
Communications Officer
Department of Education

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