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By-election date for Tununiq announced

Last updated Thursday, April 25, 2019

News Release

For Immediate Release

By-election date for Tununiq announced

IQALUIT, Nunavut (April 25, 2019) - A by-election for the constituency of Tununiq will be held on September 16, 2019. The by-election is required after the recent passing of the former Member for Tununiq, the Honourable Joe Enook.

“The timing of the by-election will ensure that the people of Pond Inlet are represented in their Legislative Assembly during the upcoming fall sitting,” said Premier Joe Savikataaq.

The date has been confirmed by the Executive Council, and the Commissioner of Nunavut will issue a formal proclamation for the issue of a writ of election, as required by section 38 of the Nunavut Elections Act. The writ will be issued on August 12, 2019.

Detailed information for potential candidates will be issued by Elections Nunavut in coming weeks.


Media Contact:

Angela A. Petru
A/Director of Communications
Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs
Government of Nunavut

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