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By-election date for Baker Lake announced

Last updated Thursday, March 5, 2020

News Release

By-election date for Baker Lake announced

IQALUIT, Nunavut (March 5, 2020) - A by-election for the constituency of Baker Lake will be held on April 27, 2020. The by-election is required after the resignation of the former Member for Baker Lake, Mr. Simeon Mikkungwak.

“It’s important that the by-election is held quickly, to ensure the constituents of Baker Lake are represented in the spring sitting of the Nunavut Legislative Assembly,” said Premier Joe Savikataaq. “We thank Mr. Mikkungwak for his dedication to his constituents and look forward to welcoming a new colleague to the House in the coming months.”

The date has been confirmed by the Executive Council, and the Commissioner of Nunavut will issue a formal proclamation for the issue of a writ of election, as required by section 38 of the Nunavut Elections Act. The writ will be issued on March 23, 2020.

Detailed information for potential candidates will be issued by Elections Nunavut in the coming weeks.


Media Contact:

Cate Macleod
Press Secretary
Office of Joe Savikataaq

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