News Media Room

Department of Health monitoring COVID-19 cases at Embassy West Senior Living in Ottawa

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Department of Health monitoring COVID-19 cases at Embassy West Senior Living in Ottawa

Minister of Health John Main released the following statement:

“I want to assure Nunavummiut that the Government of Nunavut is monitoring the COVID-19 cases at Embassy West Senior Living in Ottawa closely. Currently, there are 8 Nunavut Elders at the facility with COVID-19. I know this is concerning for everyone, especially those with family members at the facility.

My Department has been in contact with Embassy West Senior Living, which has implemented strict COVID-19 protocols to limit visitors, increase screening and testing of staff and clients, and ensure clients remain isolated.

Cases of the virus are contained to one floor and daily wellness checks are underway. Embassy West Senior Livings’s COVID-19 protocols and advanced air filtering systems will also reduce the risk of the virus spreading. The facility has also reported its staffing is adequate to manage the situation.

At this time, I am confident Embassy West Senior Living is doing everything it can to stop the spread of the virus and care for those who are sick.

Inuktitut interpreters are onsite to ensure that our Elders understand the situation and what needs to be done to ensure their safety.

While the management of this situation is under the purview of Embassy West and the local public health authorities, we will continue to monitor the situation and offer any support we can to aid our Elders.”


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia   
Manager of Communications
Department Department of Health


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