News Media Room

Construction underway for new high school in Cape Dorset

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

Construction underway for new high school in Cape Dorset

IQALUIT, Nunavut (August 15, 2017) - Construction of Cape Dorset’s new high school is underway. 134 students and staff have been without a permanent facility since the devastating school fire that destroyed Peter Pitseolak High School on September 6, 2015.

"I am relieved that this difficult chapter is coming to a close," said Minister of Education Paul Quassa. "This new school symbolizes a fresh start for the community, and an opportunity to move forward together, stronger than ever."

The Department of Community and Government Services awarded construction of the school to Kudlik Construction, in partnership with Accutech Engineering and Parkin Architects, following standard procurement processes. The school is expected to cost $34 million and open for the 2018-19 school year. The facility will accommodate 264 students from grades 7 to 12.

The Cape Dorset District Education Authority will consult with the community to select a new name for the high school. An aurora borealis colour scheme was selected for the new school at a public meeting. In addition, signage recovered from the fire will be installed to honour the old school.


Media Contact:

Maria Mendillo
Manager, Communications
Department of Education

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