News Media Room

Baker Lake: Stomach illness and diarrhea

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Health Advisory

Baker Lake: Stomach illness and diarrhea

A stomach illness is making its way around Baker Lake. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, temperature and diarrhea.

While not uncommon at this time of year, this illness can spread quickly and easily from person to person throughout the community. Some of the best ways to prevent stomach illness is to wash your hands often; cough and sneeze into your sleeve; wash your hands after changing a baby’s diaper; and keep countertops and doorknobs clean by using hot water and soap.

Anyone with symptoms should stay home, rest and drink plenty of fluids. A person who is vomiting and has diarrhea should not make meals for the family, to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to family members.

People with symptoms lasting longer than 48 hours should call their health centre for advice.


Media Contact:

Ron Wassink
Communications Specialist
Department of Health

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