News Media Room

Akausisarvik Mental Health Treatment Centre to Offer More Services to More Clients

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

For Immediate Release

Akausisarvik Mental Health Treatment Centre to Offer More Services to More Clients

IQALUIT, Nunavut (May 17, 2013) – The Government of Nunavut has relocated Akausisarvik Mental Health Treatment Centre to a newly-renovated location that will enable the department to improve and increase services to clients.

The relocation and renovation of Akausisarvik was celebrated today with the cutting of a sealskin ribbon to mark the official opening of Nunavut’s mental health facility in Iqaluit.

"The relocation of Akausisarvik is one step in the Health Department’s plan to address and expand mental health programs and services," said the Honourable Keith Peterson, Minister of Health. "The Government of Nunavut has committed an additional $860,000 to expand the mental health program at Akausisarvik this year."

The Akausisarvik Mental Health Treatment Centre has been relocated to the former boarding home (Tammaativvik). The $2.4 million investment now provides a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week care facility that will serve 15 in-patient and up to 40 outpatient mental health clients.

When fully staffed, the mental health facility will employ a psychiatric nurse manager, two psychiatric nurses, three wellness counselors, 10 life skills workers, a clerk-interpreter, a kitchen manager and a caseworker.


Media Contact:

Ron Wassink

Communications Specialist

Department of Health



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