A-454 Apprenticeship TOJ Application Package Download Form PDF Employer Application Apprenticeship Training-on-the-Job (ATOJ) Application Package Employer Application Business Legal Name CRA Business Number Employer Information Email Address Business Telephone Business Cellphone Address City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Contact Person Full Name Position/Title Business Type Have you received ATOJ funding support in the past? Yes No If "Yes", what year? Apprentice Name Training Information Please attach relevant qualifications to this application. The ‘Trainer’ must be a Supervising Journey Person (SJP). A Designated Supervising Tradesperson (DST) may be considered under the ATOJ program with approval by the ACU. Apprentices Trade Name of SJP or DST SJP or DST Qualifications (may be attached to this application) Apprentice Name Red Seal # (if applicable) Brief Background of Apprentice Apprentice Level 1 2 3 4 Estimated Start Date Estimated End Date Wage / Hours $ Hours per week Training Plan Use this as a format or as a guideline, please add any other information that you may find relevant to your training plan. Learning Objectives What skills, abilities and knowledge will the apprentice acquire and be able to demonstrate at the end of the training period? Training Methodology: (or attach a seperate training plan) Training Period Topics Training Methods Evaluation Methods Training Period Topics Training Methods Evaluation Methods Training Period Topics Training Methods Evaluation Methods Training Period Topics Training Methods Evaluation Methods Training Period Topics Training Methods Evaluation Methods Describe what tasks and how the trainee will be learning in the time period that you have chosen (i.e. week, month, quarter). Divide the training into as many periods that will be practical. Add additional pages as necessary. Other Funding Sources Please list any agencies that you are receiving funding for this training plan. Comments: Date Signature of Employer Representative Sign above Name of Employer Representative Signature of STP/DST Sign above Name of STP/DST Attachments One file only.100 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip. Steps Current Employer Application Apprentice Application Apprentice Application cont'd Client Declaration and Consent to Release Personal Information Preview Complete Is this page useful? yes 0 no 0 Provide comments Email address Provide a comment Thank you for contacting the Government of Nunavut. Please do not send sensitive or personal information, including (but not limited to): social insurance numbers, birthdates, information of other people, or health information. Please only send a brief description of your issue or concern and how we can contact you. We will make sure the correct person contacts you if they need more information or if they can answer your question or concern.