Student transcripts
Request form for an official transcript – by parents, students or schools.
Request for Correction of Student Legal Name and BirthdateA request to correct a student’s legal name and/or birthdate in the Student Information System
Contact Information
Registrar, Student Records
P.O. Box 609
Pangnirtung, NU
X0A 0R0
Phone: (867) 473-2612
Fax: (867) 473-2695
[email protected]
Student record collection in Nunavut is mandated by the Education Act (2020). The purpose is to maintain current information on past and present students in order to help educators manage schools as well as produce necessary reports. Data that is collected includes areas such as student demographics, achievement and attendance.
- Official student transcripts can be requested by the school, student or parent, and accessed by the Student Records office through the central database called the Student Information System (SIS).
- Validation Statements and unofficial transcripts can be produced by the school.
The introduction of the SIS to school staff and administration started during the 2012-13 school year. The purpose of implementing this system was to collect accurate records on student attendance and achievement in schools from kindergarten to Grade 12. This central database allows school staff to monitor and report on student attendance and achievement at a local level and for the Department of Education to analyze and report on territory-wide data such as attendance and general student achievement for planning and implementing effective professional development opportunities for teachers to support and advance instruction, assessment and evaluation practices. The SIS team provides training and technical support to school staff in the operation and maintenance of the database system.
What is an official student transcript?
An official transcript is an official document that lists all the approved courses a student has been enrolled in with the marks the student has received, and the credits that were earned. If a course has been taken more than once, only the best mark will appear. Any failed course attempts will not be listed. Transcripts are frequently requested by graduates or current students who are applying for Colleges, Universities, scholarships and some jobs.
What is a validation statement?
A validation statement is an unofficial document that lists a breakdown of all required credits for graduation (see graduation requirements), the credits earned to date, the credits that are still required to graduate and in which subject or classification area, the courses taken (successfully completed and failed courses) and marks received (including Grade 12 Alberta Diploma Exam marks), and the marks that would be transferred to a transcript. These statements are mainly used to ensure that schools, parents, and students have accurate information as a student progresses through high school. Students and parents can request a validation statement directly from the school.