News Media Room

Wind shift may bring dump fire smoke over Iqaluit

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Wind shift may bring dump fire smoke over Iqaluit

Start Date: June 10, 2014

End Date: June 11, 2014

Iqaluit, NU 60 sec

Based on the weather forecast, winds are expected to bring smoke into parts of Iqaluit this afternoon and this evening, June 10. The Department of Health is advising residents to take necessary precautions.

Depending on the level of smoke, some people with heart and lung disease, the elderly and the very young may be more at risk to health effects. Pregnant women should also protect themselves from exposure to smoke. To reduce your exposure to smoke, limit physical activity outdoors. You should stay indoors as much as possible. Keep doors and windows closed, and air exchangers turned off. If the smoke is getting into your home, you should consider going to the home of a friend or relative in another part of the city where there is less smoke.

If you don’t feel well and can’t manage your symptoms on your own, then you should seek medical attention. Watch for wheezing, shortness of breath, tightness in your chest and dizziness. The smoke may also be irritating to your eyes, nose and throat.


Media Contact:

Ron Wassink

Communications Specialist

Department of Health




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