News Media Room

Update: whooping cough in Pond Inlet

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Health Advisory 

Update: whooping cough in Pond Inlet 

The Department of Health advises that there are 13 probable or confirmed cases of whooping cough (pertussis) in Pond Inlet. The best way to protect yourself from whooping cough is to ensure everyone in your household is vaccinated. 

Whooping cough is a disease of the throat and lungs that spreads from person to person. Anyone can get whooping cough, but the most severe cases are in children under the age of one. 

See your health care provider if anyone in your household, especially a young child, has any of these symptoms: 

  • a cough followed by an unusual sound that sounds like “whoop” and a high fever 
  • vomiting after coughing 

Small children may not have a "whoop" cough but may vomit after coughing. 

Precautions include: 

  • frequent handwashing 
  • coughing into your sleeve or tissue 
  • not sharing food, drinks, utensils or toothbrushes 

Any cough can be made worse by cigarette smoke, so make sure no one smokes indoors. 


Media Contact: 

Ron Wassink
Communications Specialist
Department of Health
[email protected]

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