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Team Nunavut prepares for 2023 Arctic Winter Games

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Team Nunavut prepares for 2023 Arctic Winter Games

On January 20, members of Team Nunavut’s to the 2023 Arctic Winter Games in Wood Buffalo, Alberta, presented Premier P.J. Akeeagok, Community and Government Services Minister David Joanasie, and members of the Legislative Assembly with official Team Nunavut gear and pins.

Representing the team were futsal players River McCluskey and Pearl Uluqsi, hockey player Maiya Nadrowski and volleyball player Jerrid Netser.

This year has a special significance as it marks the first Arctic Winter Games since the 2018 Arctic Winter Games in South Slave Region of NWT. Team Nunavut will be easy to spot among the 2,000 participants in Wood Buffalo because they will be wearing the distinctive colours of Nunavut’s flag.

Team Nunavut is preparing for the opening ceremonies Jan. 29, and the delegation will be led by flagbearer Haley Hachey of Baker Lake, who is an athlete on the basketball team. Atii Aksut Team Nunavut!


Media Contact:

Hala Duale
Communications Specialist
Community and Government Services

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