News Media Room

Sylvia Grinnell road upgrades

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Sylvia Grinnell road upgrades

Nunavut Parks and Special Places is repairing the section of the road at the back of Sylvia Grinnell Park.

This work is needed to repair damage caused by heavy rain, and should be completed on August 30.

Heavy equipment will be used to remove sections of the main road, making it unusable at times. Nunavut Parks will try to keep road closures to a minimum, but park users should obey the posted road signage at all times.

For more information about access to tenting areas during this period, please contact Nunavut Parks operations at 867-975-2350.


Media Contact:

Tana Silverland
Manager, Communications, Education and Outreach
Department of Environment

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