News Media Room

Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week

Start Date: February 13, 2017

End Date: February 19, 2017

Nunavut 60 sec

Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week is February 12-18. The Department of Health is reminding Nunavummiut to focus on sexual health by:

  • Talking to sexual partners about birth control, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, safer sex and sexual consent. Parents and caregivers can also talk to children about age appropriate sexual health topics, such as safe and unsafe touch and healthy relationships.
  • Using a male or female condom or dental dam for sexual activity. Condoms are available for free at all health centres and some recreation centres, schools, and businesses throughout Nunavut.

Even if you use condoms, you should also consider getting tested for STIs if:

•you have symptoms;

•before having sex with a new partner; and

•every three to six months if you, or you partner, have sex with anyone else.

In Nunavut, sexually transmitted infections are common and are often related to unsafe sex. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the most common type of sexually transmitted infection in Nunavut. The number of syphilis infections has been rising since 2011.

Sexual health is an important part of overall well-being. If you have questions, concerns or want peace of mind, ask your health professional for advice.

For more information and tools to help you talk about sexual health, please visit the Government of Nunavut’s sexual health website, I Respect Myself, at or go to your local health centre or Iqaluit Public Health.


Media Contact:

Nadine Purdy

A/Manager of Communications

Department of Health



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