News Media Room

Sewage spill in Rankin Inlet

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Health Advisory
Sewage spill in Rankin Inlet

The Departments of Health and Community and Government Services (CGS) are advising residents of Rankin Inlet of a sewage spill at the Nuvuk lift station across from the health centre.

Sewage and wastewater can contain bacteria, fungus and viruses that can cause many illnesses. Coming into contact with or breathing in odours from sewage can expose a person to bacteria, viruses and parasites that are harmful to health and may cause disease.

CGS has contacted the Environment and Spills action Centre.

The public is advised to avoid the area around the lift station and the waterfront. An update will be provided when the area is safe to re-enter.


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia   
Manager of Communications
Department of Health

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