News Media Room

Senior Management changes across the GN

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Senior Management changes across the GN

Premier Akeeagok, has confirmed three changes at the senior level of management throughout the Government of Nunavut (GN).

Kyle Seeley is assuming a permanent position as Deputy Minister of Community and Government Services. He began this role in May 2021 on a one-year term. Kyle is a long-time GN employee and has previously held senior management positions within the Department of Community and Government Services.

Les Hickey has moved to Human Resources for a six-month transfer as Deputy Minister to support the department. He has transferred over from a senior management role at the Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs. Les has been an incredible asset to the GN for many years and has led many significant roles.

Dan Florizone has joined the GN from Saskatchewan, stepping in as Deputy Minister of Health on a six-month term. He teaches and holds the position of Executive-in-Residence with the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy and is a long serving health executive, with over three decades of administrator experience with health organizations throughout Saskatchewan. Dan is a former Deputy Minister of Health, Assistant Deputy Minister of Health and Deputy Minister of Education in Saskatchewan.

For more information about the different GN Departments, please visit


Media Contact:

Chelsea Halvorson
A/Director of Communications
Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs

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