News Media Room

School Bus Inspections

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement 

School Bus Inspections 

The Government of Nunavut is ensuring school buses are safe. 

Starting on August 4, 2015, District Education Authorities will have to submit completed School Bus Mechanical Inspection Certificates to the Motor Vehicles Division. 

A certified automotive mechanic must inspect the school bus and complete the certificate. 

You can find the certificate at 

District Education Authorities must send completed forms to James Demcheson at @email. He can be contacted toll free at 1-888-975-5999. 

School Bus Mechanical Inspection Certificates must be submitted twice each calendar year, on or before August 31 and December 31. 


Media contact:

Matthew Illaszewicz Manager, Communications Department of Economic Development and Transportation Government of Nunavut 867-975-7818 [email protected]

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