News Media Room

Renewal of Shared Directional Statement for Policing

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

Renewal of Shared Directional Statement for Policing

Iqaluit, Nunavut (May 30, 2019) – Acting Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Nunavut, David Akeeagok and Chief Superintendent of the RCMP “V” Division, Amanda Jones, today signed the renewed Shared Directional Statement for Policing Services in Nunavut.

“Turaaqtavut highlights the importance of partnerships to advance the needs of Nunavummiut. The renewal of this agreement is our commitment to continue working together to provide effective policing services that promote a healthy and safe society,” said Minister Akeeagok.
The 2019-2021 Shared Directional Statement outlines priorities for policing services that have been identified by Nunavummiut, the Government of Nunavut (GN) and the Royal Canadian

Mounted Police (RCMP). It highlights four priority areas:

1. Promote public trust and confidence with Inuit.
2. Promote government accountability in communities.
3. Support communities at risk.
4. Enhance crime prevention and reduction initiatives in communities.

“I look forward to working in partnership with the GN and various Nunavut organizations to foster the development of healthy communities in Nunavut. The RCMP will continue to strive for efficient, stable and effective policing services for Nunavummiut,” said Chief Superintendent Amanda Jones.


Media Contacts:

Matilda Madekufamba
Policy and Communications Analyst
Department of Justice
Government of Nunavut
(867) 975-6325

Cpl. Dmitri Malakhov
RCMP "V" Division Media Liaison
Iqaluit, Nunavut
Media Cell: (867) 222-3977
Email: @email

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