News Media Room

Reminder of Nunavut Hunting Regulations

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Reminder of Nunavut Hunting Regulations

The Government of Nunavut Department of Environment (DOE) would like to remind Nunavummiut to review applicable wildlife regulations before hunting.
Wildlife regulations are in place to ensure public safety and the ethical and sustainable harvesting of wildlife in Nunavut. It is the responsibility of harvesters to know the regulations.

In Nunavut, it is prohibited to trap or harvest wildlife within a one mile radius (1.6 kilometres) of any building, structure or other facility. Hunters must also make sure to not shoot from, along or across any trail or road.

For more information, get a copy of the 2018-2019 Summary of the Nunavut Hunting Regulations at your local DOE Wildlife office or visit Summary of the Nunavut Hunting Regulations.


Media Contact:

Jonathan Pynn
Director, Policy, Planning & Legislation
Department of Environment

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