News Media Room

Property tax relief for senior citizens and people with disabilities

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement
Property tax relief for senior citizens and people with disabilities

The Government of Nunavut is committed to helping senior citizens and people with disabilities manage property taxes. If you are 65 years or older, or have disabilities, you might be eligible for the Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities Tax Relief program.

To be eligible for this tax relief program, you must:

  • Have a disability or be 65 years or older.
  • Be the owner or part owner of the property.
  • Be an occupant of the property for at least 184 days in a year.

If your property is in Nunavut and outside of Iqaluit, fill out a form at each taxation year.

If your property is in Iqaluit, please refer to the City of Iqaluit’s website on how to apply for property tax relief.

For more information, please call 1-800-316-3324, email @email or visit


Media Contact:

Weichien Chan
Manager, Communications
Department of Finance


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